Category: Nonfiction

Nonfiction Reviews

Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker

Steven Pinker’s fantastic work about the power of reason, humanism, science and progress.

Nonfiction Reviews

White Guilt

I hate the concept of white guilt. As if I, a white man, cannot conceptualize racism and bigotry. As if I am excusing the hatred of my white heritage by trying to empathize with the abused. Maybe there are some haters out there who are incapable of understanding the harm,…

Nonfiction Reviews

12 Years a Slave by Solomon Northrop

Review of the book that inspired the 2014 movie.

Book v Movie Nonfiction Reviews

Book v Movie: Crazy Enough

Well, it was never a movie, but Crazy Enough was a crazy good one-woman show.

Memoirs Nonfiction Reviews

Crazy Enough by Storm Large

Yes, this book has sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll in large supply.


Being Wrong by Kathryn Schulz

Journalist Kathryn Schulz takes on error.

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